Kentucky Derby Mix

The Derby is a very difficult puzzle to solve.

20 horses in a race that are running a distance they have never run before.  It only happens once a year, so there is a very limited amount of data available for reliable analytics.

We have 5 years worth of data in Betmix. We could go back and get more, but the truth of the matter is that the Derby changes from decade to decade.  The new point system that is in place now makes the race very different than it was before 2013.

But despite the difficulty, or maybe because of it, everybody wants to bet that race more than any other race of the year.  Most handicappers end up betting much more on the Derby than they do on any other race. If you win you will get paid handsomely and have bragging rights until next May.

So, lets jump in and see what kind of mix can be created to give us some insight into who may win this year.

This Mix is based on the last 5 KY Derby races. This is an EXTREMELY small sample of data to use when coming up with a mix, but we are working with what we have and hoping for the best.

As you can see from the results below, this mix has identified the winner as the top ranked horse for the last 3 years. In 2013 it had ORB ranked 2nd, and in 2012 I'LL HAVE ANOTHER ranked 3rd. In each year the the winner was in the top 3 and at least one other horse in the top 4 hit the board. Last year, the 3 top ranked horses were in the trifecta.

Instructions for how to add this mix to your library are found at the bottom of this email.


To add the Kentucky Derby Mix follow these steps.

1. Login to your Betmix account
2. Go to the MIXLIBRARY page or from the menu (Legacy Tools/Mix Library)
3. Select KENTUCKY Derby in the track drop-down
4. Click the Search MIXLIBRARY button
5. Click the SAVE TO MYMIX button
6. Open the Kentucky Derby in BirdDog and choose the Kentucky Derby Mix from the MyMix dropdown at the top of the screen.