Mint Ladies Sprint & Franklin-Simpson S. at Kentucky Downs
6.5F on Turf (September 11, 2021)
Horse Racing Data Analyzed: Last 21 6.5-furlong graded stakes at Kentucky Downs
Date Range: January 1, 2012 - Present
Sharp Angle: Ranked 1st Best Speed Last 3
Factor Stats: 27 contenders, 8 winners (29%, $21.40 Win Return, 139 ROI%), 9 Place (33%), 10 show (37%)
The center of the racing world shifts from the coasts to bucolic Kentucky Downs on the Kentucky-Tennessee border. The Saturday card features 5 stakes worth nearly $4 million, including a pair of graded turf sprints, the Mint Ladies Sprint & the Franklin-Simpson.
The Betmix Angler online handicapping database stores a wealth of data on races at the European-style course and we ran a query looking for positive handicapping factors for 6.5-furlong graded events. As usual the database didn't disappoint and revealed that horses ranking first in Best Speed Last 3 have won nearly one-third of these races while generating a $21.40 Win Return.

Find this race in Betmix Birddog and use the Best Speed Last 3 slider to see which horse ranks first in this factor. That’s the Sharp Angles play.
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