Sharp Angle – Haskell S.

Haskell S. (G1)
9F on Dirt (July 20)

Horse Racing Data Analyzed: Last 11 editions of the Haskell
Date Range: January 1, 2012 - Present
Sharp Angle: Ranked 1st in Best Lifetime Speed
Factor Stats: 16 contenders, 6 winners (37%, $15.40 Win Return, 148 ROI%), 8 Place/Show (50%, $4.50 Place Return), 9 Show (56%)

Saturday's Haskell Stakes has drawn a typically fascinating field of 8 sophomores including the 1-2 finishers in the Belmont Stakes.

We turned to Betmix Angler, the world's most powerful online thoroughbred handicapping database, for some insights. We learned that the Best Lifetime Speed handicapping factor has pointed to 6 of the past 11 winners of the Haskell. while generating a $15.40 Win Return. The sample includes the double-digit winners Girvin ($20.40) and Bayern ($11.40).

Find this race in Betmix Birddog and use the Best Lifetime Speed slider to see which horse ranks first in this factor. That’s the Sharp Angles play.

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