Jersey Derby at Monmouth Park
8F on Turf (June 1, 2024)
Horse Racing Data Analyzed: Last 32 ungraded turf Stakes at Monmouth
Date Range: January 1, 2012 - Present
Sharp Angle: Ranked 1st in Best Speed Last 3
Factor Stats: 34 contenders, 12 winners (35%, $19.60 Win Return, 128 ROI%), 23 Place (67%, $28.20 Place Return), 25 Show (73%, $3.10 Show Return)
Saturday's Jersey Derby at Monmouth Park has drawn a competitive field of 9 sophomore turfers, 8 of whom are looking for their first Stakes victory.
We turned to the Betmix Angler online handicapping database, that holds data for the past 32 ungraded 8F turf stakes at the Jersey Shore oval for clues to help solve this handicapping puzzle.
Angler tells us that the Best Speed Last 3 handicapping factor has pointed to 35% winners of this race type and that those winners have generated a nice $19.60 Win Return. It's also pointed to some long shots as evidenced by the $28.20 Place Return and has a remarkably consisent identifier of live contenders as shown by the 73% in the money percentage.

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