Lexington S. (G3) at 8.5F on Dirt (April 15)
Horse Racing Data Analyzed: Last 11 editions of the Lexington
Date Range: January 1, 2012 - Present
Sharp Angle: Ranked 1st in Avg. Last 3 Purse
Factor Stats: 15 contenders, 4 winners (26%, $45.60 Win Return 252 ROI%), 5 Place (33%, $8.80 Place Return), 8 Show (59%, $8.00 Show Return)
Last call for Kentucky Derby points! That will be the underlying theme when the bugler calls 11 sophomore colts postward for the Lexington Stakes on Saturday afternoon at Keeneland.
It´s been an exceptionally competitive Derby prep season, as evidenced by the fact that 45 qualifying points doesn't guarantee a spot in the 2023 Run for the Roses. Horseplayers face yet another handicapping challenge with this Lexington field so we turned to the Betmix Angler online handicapping database for insights.
Angler shows us that the Avg. Last 3 Purse handicapping factor has produced good results in the Lexington, pointing to 4 of the past 11 winners including a pair of double digit winners in Senior Investment ($24.20 in 2017) and King Fury ($38.40 in 2021).

Find this race in Betmix Birddog and use the Avg. Last 3 Purse slider to see which horse ranks first in this factor. That’s the Sharp Angles play.
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