Poker S. (G3) at Belmont Park
8F on Turf (June 20)
Horse Racing Data Analyzed: Last 30 one mile graded turf stakes at Belmont Park
Date Range: January 1, 2012 - Present
Sharp Angle: Ranked 1st in Avg. Earnings this Distance
Factor Stats: 30 contenders, 13 winners (43%, $36.90 Win Return, 161 ROI%), 16 Place (53%, 9.60 Place Return), 20 show (66%)
The Poker S. on Sunday at Belmont Park has drawn a salty bunch of turf milers, a good race to get the kind of big data handicapping perspective available only with the Betmix online handicapping database.
Angler tells us that 43% of the in the past 30 one-mile graded turf stakes at Belmont Park have been won by the horse ranking first in the Avg. Earnings this Distance handicapping factor.
There have been some nice payouts too, including at $12.20 victory by Gucci Factor in the 2019 Poker. Overall, this factor has generated a $36.90 Win Return and a plus Place Return as well.

Find this race in Betmix Birddog and use the Avg. Earnings this Distance slider to see which horse ranks first in this factor. That’s the Sharp Angles play.
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