Sharp Angles – Elkhorn S.

Elkhorn S. (G2)
12F on the turf at Keeneland (April 22)
Races Analyzed: 17 stakes at 12 furlongs on turf
Date Range: January 1, 2013 - Present
Sharp Angle: Ranked 1st in Jockey Current Meet
Factor Stats: 21 contenders, 6 winners (28%, $82 flat win bet profit, 295 ROI%), 11 1st or 2nd (52%, $42.40 flat place bet profit, 201 ROI%, 13 on the board, 61% $18.60 flat show bet profit, 144 ROI%)

Sometimes finding a winner is as easy as hopping aboard with the hottest jockey. That appears to be the way to go in the marathon turf stakes at Keeneland. The past 17 12-furlong stakes at the Lexington oval have yielded a total of 21 contenders ranked first in Jockey Current Meet. Six (28.6%) have won, four at double-digit odds. The flat win bet profit on those 21 contenders is a juicy $82.

Nearly two thirds of the contenders have hit the board so this factor is definitely the place to start when putting together an exotics ticket.

Find this race in Betmix Birddog and use the Jockey Current Meet slider to see which horse ranks first in this factor. That’s the Sharp Angles play.

Last week’s results:
Giant’s Causeway S. - Lajatico 11th at 22-1

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