Trainer / Jockey Display and Stats
The main horse table in BirdDog has been updated to show Trainer and Jockey names.
The Trainer or Jockey ranked first in the Trainer 1yr, or Jockey 1yr factors are highlighted in green.

In the factor statistics widget we have added two new tabs: Trainer Stats and Jockey Stats. This information is also available in the Analyze Button.

Clicking on those tabs will display information about how the trainer or jockey has done in this race type (distance, surface, class) over the last 2 years.

Races - The number of similar races the Trainer or Jock has participated in over the last 2 years.
Win $ - What a flat $2 win bet would have returned over all races.
Place $ - What a flat $2 place bet would have returned over all races.
Show $ - What a flat $2 show bet would have returned over all races.
Win % - Win % in this race type over last 2 years.
Place % - Place % in this race type over last 2 years.
Show % - Show % in this race type over last 2 years.
Avg. Fin - The average finish position of the horse ridden or trained in this race type over the last 2 years.
Avg. Odds - The average off odds of the horse ridden or trained in this race type over the last 2 years.
Avg. Win Odds - The average off odds of horses ridden or trained that won this race type over the last 2 years.
HTB as FAV - When a horse was ranked 1st, 2nd or 3rd in odds (one of the top 3 choices) what % of the time did that horse finish 1, 2 or 3. This is VERY useful in determining if a trainer or jockey is performing as expected with one of the favored horses. Are they getting the job done when they should?
HTB not FAV - The opposite of the above stat. When a horse was NOT ranked 1st, 2nd or 3rd in odds (one of the top 3 choices) what % of the time did that horse finish 1, 2 or 3. This is VERY useful in determining how well a trainer or jockey is performing with horses that are not expected to hit the board. Are they bringing in longshots?
OTB as FAV - How often the trainer or jockey FAILS to hit the board with horses that are one of the top 3 betting choices.
OTB - Finally, how often the trainer or jockey does not hit the board when not expected to hit the board.