Santa Ana S. (G3) at Santa Anita
8.5F on Dirt (February 24)
Horse Racing Data Analyzed: Last 64 10-furlong graded turf stakes at Santa Anita
Date Range: January 1, 2012 - Present
Sharp Angle: Ranked 1st in Last Turn Time
Factor Stats: 86 contenders, 14 winners (16%, $54.60 Win Return, 131 ROI%), 26 Place (30%, $48.20 Place Return), 36 Show (41%)
An octet of older filly and mare turfers square off in the Saturday feature at Santa Anita, the 10-furlong Santa Ana S. (G3). It's a competitive field that will break from the lower portion of Santa Anita's unique downhill course, so we turned to the powerful Betmix Angler online handicapping database for clues.
Angler tells us that the Last Turn Time handicapping factor has produced 16% winners of the 10 furlong graded turf stakes at The Great Race Place since 2012. While the 16% Win rate is a bit lower than we typically highlight in our Sharp Angles posts, the very healthy Win Return ($54.60) and Place Return ($48.20) made this factor too promising to ignore.

Find this race in Betmix Birddog and use the Last Turn Time slider to see which horse ranks first in this factor. That’s the Sharp Angles play.
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