Belle Mahone S. (G3) at Woodbine
8.5F on All Weather (June 3, 2023)
Horse Racing Data Analyzed: Last 83 Woodbine main track graded stakes at 8.5F
Date Range: January 1, 2012 - Present
Sharp Angle: Ranked 1st in Trainer/Jockey Combo 2-Year Win %
Factor Stats: 86 contenders, 26 winners (30%, $43.50 Win Return, 125 ROI%), 40 Place (46%), 54 Show (63%)
Moira makes her 2023 debut in Saturday's G3 Belle Mahone S. at Woodbine and the reigning Canadian Horse of the Year figures to take attract the bulk of support at the windows. But is she vulnerable?
We turned to the Betmix Angler online handicapping database, that holds data for the past 80+ 8.5F graded stakes on the Woodbine main track, for some insights.
Angler tells us that Trainer/Jockey Combo 2-Year Win % has pointed to 30% winners of this race type and that those winners have generated a very healthy $43.50 Win Return.

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