Whitmore S. (G3) at Oaklawn Park
6F on Dirt (March 19)
Horse Racing Data Analyzed: Last 135 6-furlong dirt stakes at Oaklawn Park
Date Range: January 1, 2012 - Present
Sharp Angle: Ranked 1st in Best Speed Last 3
Factor Stats: 154 contenders, 53 winners (34%, $35.40 flat win bet return, 111 ROI%), 80 place (51%), 95 Show (61%)
Saturday´ s co-featured Whitmore Stakes at Oaklawn Park honors the Eclipse Champion Sprinter who was never off the board in his 16 starts around the Hot Springs oval. The 6-furlong race, formerly named the Hot Springs Stakes, is now rated as a Grade 3 and it drew a salty field of 9.
A scan of the Betmix Angler online handicapping database tells us that the Best Speed Last 3 handicapping factor has pointed to 34% winners of the 6-furlong Oaklawn stakes over the past decade. This factor has also yielded a healthy $35.40 Win Return and over 60% of the contenders have participated in the trifecta.

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