9F on Turf (March 25, 2022)
Horse Racing Data Analyzed: Last 21 9-furlong graded turf stakes at Fair Grounds
Date Range: January 1, 2012 - Present
Sharp Angle: Ranked 1st in Average Last 3 Turn Time
Factor Stats: 22 contenders, 6 winners (27%, $38.00 Win Return, 186 ROI%), 8 Place (36%, $15.20 Place Return), 10 Show (45%)
Handicappers are presented with some solid betting opportunities on Saturday´s big 8-Stakes card at Fair Grounds.
One potentially lucrative race for horseplayers is the Mervin Muniz Memorial that drew a salty group of nine middle distance turf runners.
We used the Betmix Angler handicapping software to analyze the past 21 9-furlong grass stakes at Fair Grounds and found that Average of Last 3 Turn Time has been a good predictor of success.

Nearly one third of the contenders ranking first in this factor have had their pictures taken while showing a sparkling $38.00 flat win return. Among those are 4 Muniz heroes since 2014 - Skyring ($17.40), Take The Stand ($18), Bricks and Mortar ($2.60) and Factor This ($21).
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