New Betmix tools and features to help you win more races! Hope everyone had a profitable Triple Crown season! We’ve added a few new features that we hope you will find helpful: Color Coded Running Lines When you bring up the Horse Information Box (Click on the horse’s name) you will now Read More

How to use Class in handicapping horse races We’ve added 4 new factors to Betmix in the last couple of days: Last Race Class, Avg. Last 3 Race Classes, Days Since Last Race and Last Finish Position.Before we get into details on the Class factors, let’s take a step back and think about what a Mix in Read More
In order to test your Mixes or create new Mixes, you need to test them against historical results. We have a couple of ways for you to do that…. RACE RESULTS When you look at the race results page, you can select a date and track, and then see the results for races on that Read More
Find any race in the Betmix database We’ve added a neat new tool to Betmix called RACE SEARCH. Using this tool you can search our entire database to find any race. Search by date, track, post time, surface, race type, distance, age/sex, purse or claiming price. The results will display a list of all matching Read More
Introducing BETMIX 2.0 – The best handicapping software available We’ve made some major changes to and are anxious to share them with you. The site has been completely redesigned, and there are many new features to help you handicap with greater accuracy. Here are just a few of the new features we have added… New Read More
The 6th race at Beulah park on December 11 was run on a muddy race track, and provided a good example of how sometimes looking at a race in the most simplistic terms can payoff big. The 6th race was a 5.5 F claimer with 7 entrants. Simply turning on the Mud Pedigree rating produced Read More
One of the most common questions we are asked is “What do the Red and Green arrows in the rankings mean?” There are two columns in the results screen, one is labled “S” for speed and the other “F” for finish. If a horse has run three races in a row that show improved speed Read More
One of the factors available to BetMix users is Avg. Best 2 of last 3 speed. This factor looks at the last 3 speed figures earned by the horse, tosses out the worst number, and averages the other 2. If a horse earned speed figures of 72, 68, 73 in his last three starts his Read More
We know that Betmix allows you to handicap a race quickly and accurately, but how do you use the results to make exotic bets like trifectas and superfectas? One of the great advantages of the Betmix handicapping system is the point totals that it returns for each horse after you have applied your mix to Read More
We are excited to introduce a new report feature available to monthly subscribers – the ALL RACES REPORT. This report will allow you to select a saved mix, or use the sliders, and see the results for all races on one screen. There are numerous advantages to this handicapping report. If you thought Betmix allowed Read More
The most frequent question we get asked is “Can you really make money betting on horses?”, and the simple answer is yes. However, very few people will show a consistent profit betting on horses because they lack the ability to handicap using a consistent method and they do not have the discipline to adhere to Read More
Handicap the Free Race of the Day Handicap the Kentucky Derby for free Currently, we have over 40 handicapping factors available in Betmix and the obvious question most people have when they first start is “What is the most important handicapping factor?” Unfortunately there is not an answer that applies to every race, surface, track Read More
We receive many emails from subscribers that have made big scores using Betmix to help them handicap. Here is a great email we received yesterday, along with photo evidence! Hey Dave! Just wanted to send you a pic of my winning Pick6 ticket from yesterday (Feb 18th). As you can see I only put $3.00 Read More
We were exchanging e-mails with a user on Saturday who was playing Aqueduct. This was a new user, and they were getting their feet wet with Betmix by using the Blend Dirt mix, available in the MixLibrary to monthly subscribers (Blend Dirt-ML). When helping new users we try to get them to focus on one Read More
The Keeneland Spring meet has just started, and handicappers always look forward to the full fields and nice prices that Keeneland typically provides. Keeneland was always viewed as a speed favoring track, but in 2006 that changed when they switched to a Polytrack surface. For many people the surface switch has made Keeneland a tough Read More
Who will win the Kentucky Derby? That is the question that all serious and casual horse racing fans will be asking over the next few weeks. The Kentucky Derby is the most watched horse race in the world, and the payoffs can be life changing. There are many reasons why picking a Derby winner is Read More
Yes. We have been asked numerous times if Betmix picked the Oaks and Derby winners. The first thing we tell people who ask this question is that Betmix ranks horses based on the criteria that you provide, so it is ultimately the user who made the pick because the user told Betmix which factors to Read More
Using Betmix to find longshots The most important thing that Betmix offers its users is a consistent method for handicapping and the ability to quickly look at entire race cards to find horses worth betting. Looking for races with potential longshot horses is a great way to use Betmix. In this example we will be Read More
We have a new feature at Betmix, called RANKINGS. If you look at a race screen you will see a new button on the menu called rankings: Clicking this button will open a pop-up window that will give you detailed information about where a horse ranks within the 30+ handicapping factors we offer as part Read More
The Rankings view was created to help users build better mixes. If you are new to Betmix, the RANKINGS button is located on the right next to Trainer-Jockey. When you click on the Rankings button you will see a list of all of the handicapping factors at Betmix, and be shown where horses rank in Read More